Thursday, October 24, 2013

Deal With Cord Prolapse

Cord prolapse occurs during labor when the cord precedes the baby and the baby's head puts pressure on the cord. Consequently, the baby is no longer getting nutrient and oxygen from the mother. The baby's heart beat slows down. Cord prolapse is a very rare event, occurring once in every 500 to 1000 childbirths.


1. Call 911 for emergency medical assistance immediately if you notice the cord protruding from your vagina. Cord prolapse can also be detected through monitoring your baby's heart beat. Unfortunately, sometimes there is no way of confirming cord prolapse until it is too late.

2. While waiting for emergency medical assistance, be on all fours with your head down and hips up to release the pressure from the cord.

3. Rush into the hospital. Ask somebody else to drive. Lie in the backseat with your buttocks up.

4. Try to remain calm. Breathe so that your baby get sufficient oxygen.

5. In cases, C-section will used to deliver cord-prolapse babies. Ask the doctor to try vaginal delivery first, if possible. The delivery must occur quickly, possibly with help of forceps or vacuum extractor.

Tags: Cord prolapse, baby heart, baby heart beat, emergency medical, emergency medical assistance