Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How Does Appendicitis Start

Where Appendicitis Begins

At the base of the ascending large intestine (colon) is where you will find a person's appendix. This small appendage can be directly connected to severe abdominal pain in incidences when the appendix is combating an infection which results from injury, disease, or blockage. As a part of the digestive tract, the appendix has little to do with digestion, but has a lot to do with the development of appendicitis. The most prevalent cause of severe pain in the abdomen, appendicitis occurs when this appendage becomes infected and creates a negative health situation. The infection can be catastrophic if the appendix ruptures under the inflammation and swelling, and could result in death from the rapid spread of infection within the human body if rupture occurs. The need to easily recognize the signs of an infected appendix is apparent when the time allowed for diagnosis and care after a rupture of the appendix occurs is quite limited, and the results can be death or disability.

How Appendicitis Starts

The appendix is the watchdog to the last stages of digestion. Hanging from the ascending large intestine, this appendage has no function of use other than to be available to operate normally. Normally the appendix is a component of a very important part of our bodily system. The colon is one organ that has direct ties to hormones and nervous connections with the brain and body.

The colon's development and operation depends on the system working well as a whole, and this function can be affected by numerous outside influences. With the appendix, the most common causes of the infection can be easily traced back to the operation of the large intestine. Because when the large intestine works properly, the opportunity for infection and blockage of the appendix remains low.

What Causes Appendicitis

The appendix can be injured from forces outside the body resulting in and infection that can cause and appendicitis. When this occurs, the appendix becomes inflamed, and it is unable to correct the injury through normal immune system functions. If no care is given, appendicitis can occur, and the cause can be the result of the outside force injury. These types of injuries rarely result in appendicitis. Though it should be noted that not only infection caused from within the digestion system can be the cause of appendicitis.

The most common cause of appendicitis is infection caused by blockage of the appendage which makes it impossible to maintain operation normally.

The large intestine is the storage tank for our human waste. During transit through the colon, the waste continues to have more liquid and vitamins removed. When this function does not occur regularly, or normally, waste can block the appendix, and become lodged so that it is not sent along for removal naturally. In these cases, an infection will result. The immune system will fight the infection causing the appendix to become swollen and inflamed. The resulting infection can cause the appendix to swell until bursting. A ruptured appendix can spread infection products throughout the body and with it solid waste from the colon. The combination of infection and waste inside the human body can cause death in otherwise healthy individuals. The occurrences of acute appendicitis in America can be regarded as common, though most cases are recognized and treated prior to a life-threatening result.

Tags: large intestine, cause appendicitis, appendicitis most, appendix become, ascending large