Thursday, April 30, 2009

Make Lifestyle Changes For Hepatitis C

Hepatitis C is a devastating disease. It essentially stops your liver from working. Your liver is a very important organ. Not only does it remove toxins from your blood, but it also fights infections away from your body and stores energy. Liver failure is fatal. Hepatitis C can do many things to your body, but it also affects your lifestyle. A decrease in energy is one of the major complaints from Hepatitis C sufferers. Learning deal with those lifestyle changes with little strain on you emotionally is key. There are some things you can do to deal with and minimize lifestyle changes associated with Hepatitis C.


Make Lifestyle Changes for Hepatitis C

1. Avoid alcohol altogether. You need to maintain a healthy liver, and alcohol consumption does just the opposite. Instead of ordering a beer at the bar, ask for a cranberry juice, or a special kind of soda. Make the drink fun, but non alcoholic.

2. Reduce the water temperature of your shower or bath in the morning. Hot baths and hot showers are relaxing, but when you need to awaken yourself for morning, a lower temperature is better. It makes you less drowsy.

3. Sit while you fold laundry or iron. Sit as often as you possibly can. When you have Hepatitis C, your energy is precious. Conserve whenever necessary. Sitting on a high stool works well when you iron your clothes.

4. Go to sleep and wake up in the morning at the same time each day. Not only is getting the right amount of sleep important, but so is the quality of that sleep. When your body gets into a regular pattern, you sleep better.

5. Eliminate unnecessary appointments or events from your day. If you traditionally meet a friend for coffee after work, reduce those visits to twice a week. If you are a leader in any particular organization, you may have to drop that leadership role. The best way to conserve energy is to spend it only when necessary.

Tags: from your, your body, Changes Hepatitis, deal with, Lifestyle Changes