Friday, June 18, 2010

Find Relief From Fibromyalgia

Those suffering from Fibromyalgia will learn different lifestyle changes that may help them find relief from this widely misunderstood, painful disease that affects nearly all functions of the body in millions of people.


Find Relief from Fibromyalgia

1. Fibromyalgia is a painful, often debilitating disease that impacts nearly every function of the body. Further, the irony of the disease is that most who have been diagnosed with it appear to be perfectly normal and able to function without pain. However, because many of the symptoms are beneath the surface, it is difficult for those without it to understand it's nature. Those with this condition may find relief from some of the symptoms such as fatigue, irritable bowel and fibrofog by changing their way of eating as well as living. Studies have shown that an increase in vitamin B rich foods as well as those containing selenium, magnesium, Vitamin D, calcium and Omega may relieve headaches as well as irritable bowel syndrome and pain by reducing the bodies overall reaction to stress. Further, omega enriched foods often found in fish may help in cognitive function that is often impaired when an individual is experiencing a flare up in symptoms.

2. Fibromyalgia sufferers who have tried a variety of hopeful options to find relief from their symptoms may not realize the overall positive impact supplements may have on their condition. The body is often under stress from the apparent lack of ATP (Adenine Tri Phosphate) and is therefore fatigued due to the lowered amount of energy within the body. In order to make up for the missing Phosphate, B6 and B12 vitamins may help in strengthening the cells within the body and therefore improve overall energy. Additionally, calcium supplements may assist in elongating the tightened muscles which also cause fatigue and pain when used for even short periods of time. However, patients must be willing to take these supplements over a period of time before seeing the positive affects of the same. Also, supplements such as Omega 3-6-9 have been shown to have great promise in improving patient's memory, bowel function (from the Borax and flaxseed contained in the supplement) skin's appearance and overall joint health as well. Some patients have also found that taking glucosomine and chrondroitin may also provide relief from joint pain as well.

3. Sleep deprivation is a common symptom of fibromyalgia. Many patients experience a type of "night owl" syndrome and have their days and nights mixed up. Studies seem to suggest that a depletion of serotonin may be a partial contributor to the lack of sleep. Additionally, the lack of deep REM sleep in sufferers attributes to the fact that most patients never get a restful night's sleep. In addition to stopping all brain stimulating activity a few hours before wanting to go to bed, a comfortable place to sleep is essential. Many individuals have found relief from hip and leg pain by placing a "cuddle ewe" wool lined mattress topper underneath their sheets. The warmth from this product as well as its ability to provide comfort and cushion to the patient helps to provide a more peaceful night's sleep. Many sufferers take antidepressant medications in order to assist in creating a more normal pattern of waking and sleeping hours. If for some reason medication is not an option, many have found that eating turkey before bed is sometimes helpful in this endeavor, as it helps produce tryptophan which makes individuals sleepy. Further, supplements such as Melatonin or even Benadryl in limited quantities help as well. Additionally, natural product supplements such as Somatomax often provides a deep and restful nights sleep while burning off any additional body fat at the same time. Thermapak heat packs often provide relief from the tightened nerves that are often present in many patients leg's as well. This has also been found to sometimes provide relief from Restless Leg Syndrome which often accompanies Fibromyalgia. The sufferer of this syndrome will often have spontaneous jerking and twitching of his or her legs without warning or without control of the same. The calcium supplements often will help with this syndrome as well.

4. Non-weight bearing exercise is often helpful as well. Swimming is the best exercise for this condition, however, it should be performed for limited amounts of time due to the fatigue that can be felt from too long of a session. Additionally, exercising through yoga or pilates classes often provide much needed relief as well. Meditation and relaxation techniques through biofeedback has also proved to be useful as well to the patient since these techniques are aimed at reducing overall stress.

5. Fibromyalgia sufferers should simplify their lives by being organized, eliminating clutter and making lists. Simplifying one's life might include keeping a daily list of the top three things that must be accomplished on any given day, filing any papers that may be causing clutter, keeping a minimal amount of things in any one place, and not trying to do too much on any given day.

6. Finally a good support system of family and friends is essential in overcoming the many symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia. Educating family and friends on the disease is crucial towards accepting and adapting to this disease. Further, a supportive network of people may help take stress off of the sufferer, as they can be called upon to help with dealing with the pain as well as other symptoms. A good support system will believe that the condition does in deed exist and try to help as much as possible.

Tags: disease that, provide relief, provide relief from, relief from, relief from, supplements such, calcium supplements