Friday, June 11, 2010

Kegal Exercises For Men

While most commonly associated with women, Kegel exercises can also strengthen men's pelvic muscles. Offering a myriad of benefits, Kegel exercises can fight swollen prostrates and urinary incontinence. The exercises also provide potential sexual benefits, such as ejaculatory control.

Before You Begin

It's easy to use the wrong muscles when attempting Kegel exercises, so it's important to locate the correct pelvic muscles. To find the correct muscles, stand in front of the toilet and proceed to urinate. During urination, try to stop the flow. Pay close attention to the muscles you feel contracting when you stop urinating. These are your pelvic muscles. Repeat a few times to make sure you have found the correct muscles.

Completely empty your bladder before beginning. Failure to do so may result in pain as well as urine leakage.

The exercises are easiest to perform when lying down or sitting. Standing is not recommended until you have mastered the exercises. However, once you get the hang of it, you can perform the exercises anywhere.

Performing the Exercises

Begin with slow contractions. While lying down or sitting, squeeze your pelvic muscles as if trying to stop urine flow. You should feel a tightening around the anus. As you hold the muscles tight, count to ten. Release the muscles cautiously, and rest for ten more seconds. Try to do ten sets about three times a day.

Once you get the slow repetitions down, try mixing it up with quick contractions. Perform the exercises in the same manner as the slow ones, but to not count to ten. Instead do each rep as quickly as possible, ten times. Do a fast set after each slow set. These exercises are especially good for bladder control.

Things to Remember

If you are doing the reps correctly, your testicles should lift when you contract your muscles.

Try and keep your other muscles relaxed during Kegel exercises, concentrating solely on your pelvic muscles. Breathe throughout the repetitions.

Always consult your physician for any type of exercise plan. She can also inform you of other methods to fight prostrate, urinary and ejaculatory problems.

Tags: pelvic muscles, Kegel exercises, your pelvic, your pelvic muscles, correct muscles, down sitting