Thursday, November 3, 2011

Detox 7 Pills

The most recent trend in the ever-evolving world of pop-culture diets is the concept of relatively short detoxification periods, ostensibly through which the body cleans itself of impurities and is reinvigorated. While there are many cleansing and detoxification programs available, most share the following characteristics: they are generally inexpensive; are performed for durations no longer than a month; and are almost entirely ineffective. Do any of the vast sea of detox programs transcend the nebulous boundaries of "worthless fad"? Do Detox 7 pills live up to the hype?

Detox Diets

The basic premise of a detoxification diet is simple: through countless years of poor eating habits and exposure to environmental toxins, it is surmised that your body (more specifically, your digestive system) has suffered progressive levels of wear and tear. Inventors of detox products claim that by adhering to a short period of abstention from unhealthy habits you can restore your biological processes to pristine working order.


Detox 7 markets itself as an "internal body cleanser." As might be inferred from the name, the program lasts for seven days. During this period, the user consumes a Detox 7 fiber blend in the morning, and supplements with herbal capsules in the evening. Purported benefits of the program include weight loss, increased energy, and the benefit of detoxification. Unlike other cleanses or detox programs, Detox 7 does not ask the user to modify his diet.


Looking at the list of ingredients contained in Detox 7 is impressive with its esoteric-sounding items such as dandelion seed, prickly ash seed extract, and burdock root. However, the gravamen of Detox 7 is simple fiber. While increasing fiber intake can help digestive health to a point, there is nothing magic or detoxifying about it. The other ingredients are a mixed bag. Burdock root and dandelion seed are mainly diuretics. Diuretics are commonly included in weight-loss formulas because they cause the body to hold less water, which translates to a lower number on the scale, despite having no real effect on body composition.


Some users have reported headaches while on the Detox 7 program, but that is the extent of the potential physical damage. The more troubling result that could arise from use of Detox 7 is psychological damage. If the user believes the claim that his body is being detoxified in a seven-day period, he might be more likely to engage in unhealthy habits while operating under the delusion that his next seven-day detox will undo the harm.


Detox 7 program designers prey on our mental vulnerabilities. By offering the tempting claim of "healed in seven days," consumers may purchase the Detox 7 program in the hopes of reaping benefits that may never occur. As the bulk of the Detox 7 program is simple fiber, you can achieve a similar detoxification result simply by eating more apples, or including some metamucil in your diet. While everyone wants to believe there are miracle cures that provide instant energy, weight reduction and rapid body composition changes, the only real secrets are a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Tags: Detox program, body composition, claim that, dandelion seed, detox programs