Monday, November 21, 2011

Kundalini Yoga Exercise

Kundalini yoga is a system of body movements, breathing practices and chants that are said to encourage better physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. According to, this type of yoga was introduced in the United States during the late 1960s, and has since gained popularity and praise as an effective exercise to improve physical posture, mental clarity, emotional stability and spiritual harmony.


The primary focus of kundalini yoga is the gradual release of energy at the base of the spine called kundalini. Before beginning any yoga practice, make sure you are physically fit enough to safely perform the movements and breathing sequences. You should practice kundalini with a yoga master (yogi if male, yogini if female) to prevent any injuries and to ensure the practice is effective.


According to, begin each exercise by chanting the "adi mantra," which opens up the mind and prepares the body for the waves of kundalini energy that will flow from the base of the spine (see Resources for adi mantra). Following the mantra, you have a number of kundalini exercises you can choose from. Kundalini's focus is on the energy coiled at the bottom of the spine, which means all of the exercises focus on moving, stretching and engaging the spine. Begin with pelvic rotations. In a seated, cross-legged position, place one hand on each knee and rotate your pelvis. Don't rotate from side to side, but rather move the entire structure in a sort of grinding movement for one or two minutes in each direction (clockwise and counterclockwise). Follow up with the spinal flex, in which you sit in a relaxed, cross-legged position and inhale while flexing the spine forward, then exhale and flex the spine outward. Keep your shoulders relaxed and your head level. There are hundreds of kundalini exercises, some of which are listed in the Resources section of this article.

Cool Down

After performing kundalini exercises, suggests cooling down by lying down on your back and rotating your feet in a circular motion for about 30 seconds. Then, (still lying down), place your right hand behind your head while bending your left leg. Pull your left leg to the right side of your body until your knee touches the ground. This will stretch out your lower back and spine.

Tags: kundalini exercises, According KundaliniYoga, base spine, cross-legged position, lying down, movements breathing, your head