Monday, July 26, 2010

Spicy Diet Complications

Eating too many spicy foods can cause damage to the digestive system.

Spicy food can cause problems with the stomach as well as have a negative overall effect on the body. You can eat highly seasoned food as part of a healthy diet, but it's best to be moderate. Overindulgence in spicy foods can create health problems that can linger for years if untreated.


Gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining and can be triggered by eating too many spicy foods. Chronic gastritis can produce ulcers because the stomach's own acids will eat away at the lining.

Acid Reflux

Acid reflux, better known as heartburn, is triggered by spicy food in many people. In rare cases acid reflux can lead to esophageal cancer, and can cause the teeth to soften. Cutting down on spicy food is a good first step in an effort to control this problem.


Your sleep patterns can be disturbed because spices can raise your body temperature. Eating spicy foods before bed is particularly bad because the first cycle of sleep is very sensitive and easily interrupted.

Damage to the Taste Buds

After years of overeating spicy foods, you may feel less sensation from your taste buds. This is because they begin to deteriorate after years of abuse.

Burning Sensation on Skin

Very spicy food can cause a burning sensation on the skin and mucous membranes, according to Arx Man Health. In addition, a spicy diet could cause blisters on the lips and on the palate.

Tags: spicy foods, spicy food, food cause, many spicy, many spicy foods