Thursday, October 4, 2012

Get Fiber On South Beach Diet Phase One

Get Fiber on South Beach Diet Phase One

The South Beach Diet was created by Dr. Agatston to help people not only lose weight but keep the weight off. The South Beach Diet consists of three phases. Those wanting to lose 10 pounds or more should start with Phase One. Phase One of the South Beach Diet is designed to jump-start your weight loss while reducing your food cravings. It is the most restrictive phase with many foods off limits at this time. Restricted foods re-enter the diet in Phases Two and Three.


Getting Fiber in Phase One of the South Beach Diet

1. Start the South Beach Diet by going to and registering. As a member of the South Beach Diet community, you will receive customized meal plans, recipes and advice that will help you get fiber in Phase One.

2. Do not eat fruit or whole grains during Phase One. Starches and sugary foods are not allowed in this phase. Do not eat carrots, beets, green peas, corn or white potatoes.

3. Get fiber by eating fiber-rich vegetables such as broccoli and spinach. These can be added to an omelet for breakfast, a salad for lunch or a side dish for dinner.

4. Eat plenty of beans such as black beans or garbanzo beans. Legumes like these are loaded with protein and fiber.

5. Eat nuts as a healthy fiber-filled snack. Limit nuts to one serving per day in Phase One of the South Beach Diet.

Tags: Beach Diet, South Beach, South Beach Diet, Phase South, Phase South Beach, Beach Diet Phase