Monday, October 15, 2012

The Best Paint Colors For Healing

Certain colors may have a powerful healing effect.

Human beings can survive in total darkness, however, they most likely would not remain terribly happy in that state. Just as light has an enormous effect on our moods, color does the same thing. Color therapy is a strong tenet of alternative medicine. The website states, "Light entering through our eyes may trigger the production of hormones which control the biochemical system of the body." Such a dynamic may influence our health by supplying the frequency necessary for a proper mind body balance. However, the website is quick to explain that colors do not heal. Instead, colors provokes the body to heal itself.


A color not found in most foods or fruits but abundantly in flora, purple is a highly spiritual color. Purple is a common color for psychics and those strongly connected with the spiritual. Many spas and holistic healing centers often have purple interiors. According to the website, purple can have a soothing and reconstructive effect on people as it encourages self-examination at times when people need emotional healing. Experts of Feng Shui regard purple as a powerful color for those who need spiritual and emotional healing and as a suitable color for those about to begin a spiritual odyssey.


Prevalent in nature, green is a fresh restorative color that relaxes and calms. Green has a host of positive connections, such as renewal, peace, hope, balance and harmony. Green is also quite effective with people who are out of balance emotionally, preventing wild mood swings. Certain color therapy specialists use green to help their patients relieve stress and stop migraine headaches. Certain tenets of Feng Shui believe that green can stop lethargy and energize people.


Red is more than just an eye-catching color for stop signs and lights; it's the perfect color to restore vitality depressed people. The color red may increase brain activity, pulse rates and stimulate emotions. You can use red to ward of lethargy and help depressed people find new ambition, vigor and alertness. However, use this color sparingly. Too much red is definitely a bad thing as it can make people feel moody or angry. Decorate houses and rooms with simple accents of red, such as throw pillows and rugs.

Tags: color those, depressed people, emotional healing, Feng Shui