Friday, August 3, 2012

Rehab Exercises For Severe Calf Muscle Strain

The calf muscles are used to flex and extend the foot. They can often become strained from overuse or from getting pushed beyond a normal range of motion. When this happens, there are several rehabilitation exercises that can be done to treat them.

Wall Stretch

A wall stretch is done by placing the balls of the foot against a wall, then straightening the leg.

Towel Stretch

This is done from a seated position on the floor with the legs in front of the body. A towel is wrapped around the sole of the foot, then it is slowly pulled back. This can also be done with a rubber-resistance tube.

Step Stretch

This is done on a stairway or platform. While standing on a step with the back half of the foot hanging off, the heel is slowly lowered and then back up.


Self Myofascial Release is done with a foam roller. The calf is placed on top of the roller, the other leg is draped over the tops for a little added weight and the calf is rolled back and forth slowly.


Downward-facing dogs are done by coming into a plank position, then lifting your hips and pushing your weight back on your heels. Your body is then at a 90-degree angle.

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