Thursday, November 14, 2013

Steps To Deal With A Job You Hate

Moments of frustration on the job cause ripples of displeasure to seep into your life.

There's an old adage that states that the best days on a job are the first and the last. If you hate your job, coping with the days in between will take a toll on your emotional well-being. Rough days at work often translate to rough evenings at home. The negativity that encumbers your life during frustrating moments on the job becomes debilitating. But there are several methods you can utilize that will reduce despair, frustration and hopelessness in negative job situations.


1. Determine the primary aspect of your job that causes your aggravation. By gaining awareness of the issues that incite your frustration, you gain the ability to take control of your emotions when the most aggravating situations repeat themselves.

2. Boost workplace morale by inserting pleasurable experiences and input in the workplace. Bringing treats, making jokes and presenting a joyful demeanor in the workplace will boost your coworkers' morale as well as your own.

3. Don't take your work home from the office. Thinking about the problems at work during your free time will compound your frustration. Minimize the amount of time you think about your frustrations and you will minimize your frustrations.

4. Search for a new position or career field. Whether or not you intend to jump from one job to the next in the short-term, the act of looking for a new position will empower your self-esteem. Be prepared for new opportunities, consider your career options and polish your resume.

5. Visit a counselor on a regular appointment schedule. Make weekly, bi-monthly or monthly appointments to discuss your frustrations with a professional counselor. Be sure to find a counselor whose opinions and overall assessment are trustworthy.

Tags: your frustrations, your frustration, your life