Thursday, November 7, 2013

Identify Menieres Disease

Menieres disease is a rare inner ear disorder that currently affects about 615,000 Americans, according to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. The disorder is named after Prosper Maniere, the doctor who first observed the syndrome in 1861. Since then, Manieres disease has been described as a disorder marked by a change in the volume of fluid within the inner ear. The increased volume elevates pressure in a portion of the inner ear, prompting episodes of dizziness and hearing loss.


1. Know the symptoms of Manieres disease. Understand that symptoms develop chronically or intermittently and vary in degree and intensity. Some sufferers experience vertigo on a daily basis while others have an episode once every few years. Be aware that the disorder typically affects one ear; but in some cases, both ears are affected.

2. Recognize the most severe symptom is a dizziness or loss of balance, known as vertigo. Know that vertigo is the sensation of spinning and is often accompanied by nausea, vomiting and sweating. Realize attacks of vertigo can be sudden and severe enough that sufferers may fall or be required to lie down until the sensation subsides.

3. Consider a ringing or roaring sound to be another symptom, known as tinnitus. Evaluate the sounds and determine if the sound is coordinated with the heartbeat or continuous as in most cases.

4. Note any loss of hearing, especially low-pitched sounds. Remember that hearing can be recovered after an episode, but that over time it becomes progressively worse.

5. Expect to feel pressure or pain in the ear. Know that the cause of Meniers disease is still unknown, but current theory attributes symptoms to a change in the volume of fluid, known as endolymph. Researchers believe that the endolymph combines with another fluid of the inner ear, known as perilymph, thereby causing the symptoms of Manieres disease, according to the NIDCD.

6. Anticipate other symptoms on occasion, such as abdominal pressure, diarrhea and headaches.

Tags: Manieres disease, change volume, change volume fluid, Know that, symptoms Manieres, symptoms Manieres disease