Sunday, November 24, 2013

Survive A Job You Hate

You have a job and you hate it. You can't quit because you have to make a living a you family to take care of here are some tips to make your day better


1. Do something relaxing before you go to work. Get a cup of coffee and sit and relax in your car if you have to. Think about that you are going to work to pay bills and that this is going to be a good day.

2. Ignore coworkers that you can't stand if possible. It is hard but just do your job. If you have to work with them keep in mind that you only have to see these people at work just call then work people to make it easier to deal with mentally and that they are not going home with you.

3. If you have to work with them treat them with respect and try to be kind it shows that you are professional. If you have problems with your boss. Try to remain friendly and if possible tell him what is bothering you. Keep it in your mind that it is just a job. Look for another job you don't have to stay there if you don't want to.

Tags: have work, have work with, mind that, with them, work with, work with them, your have