Sunday, March 9, 2014

Get Rid Of A Seed Wart

Warts develop due to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) entering cracks in the skin. A seed wart develops from the small black dot resembling a small seed in the center of the wart, and generally appears on the hands or feet. Those who bite their fingernails and leave open wounds unattended are at a higher risk for developing seed warts. Seed warts, like any warts, can disappear after a few months to a few years, and are not dangerous. To get rid of a seed wart, try garlic, a highly effective wart treatment that can remove a seed wart in as little as one to two weeks.


Garlic Cloves Treatment

1. Peel and cut one garlic clove into seven slivers. Place six slivers of garlic inside a plastic baggie and store in the refrigerator to keep fresh.

2. Place one sliver of garlic clove onto the seed wart. Rub the wart with the garlic in a circular motion, allowing the juices to coat the wart.

3. Secure the garlic sliver over the seed wart using a bandage.

4. Repeat this treatment twice daily--morning and night. Change the bandage frequently to avoid HPV transfer to other parts of the body.

Garlic Paste Treatment

5. Pour 1/3 cup of water into a bowl. Microwave water on high temperature setting for 1 1/2 minutes. Allow water to cool for 2 minutes.

6. Add 3 tsp. of dried garlic powder into the hot water and stir to blend ingredients.

7. Dip one to two cotton balls into the garlic powder paste. Apply the first cotton ball to the seed wart, rubbing the area in a circular motion and coating the wart in the garlic powder paste. Discard the cotton ball after the wart is coated thoroughly.

8. Apply the second cotton ball directly on top of the seed wart, and secure with a bandage.

9. Repeat this treatment twice daily--morning and night. Change the bandage frequently to avoid HPV transfer to other parts of the body.

Tips Warnings

If the garlic irritates your skin, use the second method outlined in Section 2 above. Garlic powder is less potent than raw garlic, and does not contain allicin, the compound that can cause irritation.

Garlic contains high levels of allicin that may irritate the skin and cause blistering. Do not use garlic if you have sensitive skin.

If a garlic allergy is suspected, consult your physician immediately for further assistance.

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